As we look forward to the new year, we want to reflect on the incredible year behind us. We are immensely grateful and proud to be part of the higher education community, working alongside leaders like you to ensure that every student has the content they need to succeed. Thank you for your support and leadership in making educational content more accessible and equitable for students.
Going into 2022, we promise to continue our mission to provide more efficient, effective, and equitable learning content to students while striving to be attentive listeners for our customers and active community members.
We wish you all the best in the new year and look forward to what is to come here at BibliU.
Cheers to a successful start to 2022!
BibliU offers a range of new collections that help students and academics access SAGE Publications. Read more about the collections here.
See what our co-founder and CEO, Dave Sherwood, had to say about how BibliU is helping students afford course materials on Fox News!
Partnership brings accessible and affordable learning resources to the college’s 13,000 students